translated from the original French DOGMA AND RITUALHIGH MAGIC.By M. ÉLIPHAS LÉVI.1856, 2 vol. in-8, with 23 figures. – 28 francs.[Drawing:]This work is divided into two parts. In one, the author establishesthe cabalistic and magical dogma in its entirety; the other is dedicatedto worship, that is to say to ceremonial magic. One is whatancient sages…
The Illustrated Key To The Tarot by Arthur Edward Waite (A E Waite) illustrated by Pamela Coleman Smith and published by William Rider & Son of London The Illustrated Key To The Tarot THE VEIL OF DIVINATION Illustrating The Greater And Lesser Arcana EMBRACING THE VEIL AND ITS SYMBOLS. SECRET TRADITION UNDER THE VEIL OF DIVINATION. ART OF TAROT DIVINATION. OUTER METHOD OF THE ORACLES. THE TAROT IN HISTORY. INNER SYMBOLISM. THE GREATER KEYS. _By_ _THE ILLUSTRATED KEY TO THE TAROT_…